Spotlight on Farm to Fight Hunger: Q&A with Founder Bruce Mentzer

We spoke to Bruce Mentzer, one of the Founders and a Farmer at Farm to Fight Hunger, about the progress they've made in 2024. Bruce shared stories of remarkable harvests, new expansions, and how they’re overcoming challenges like climate impacts. In this Q&A, he highlights the farm's successes, commitment to tackling food insecurity, and bright plans ahead for this inspiring community initiative.

How has 2024 been for Farm to Fight Hunger so far? Could you share some of the wins your team has achieved, and how these have impacted the community?

2024 has been a great year for us! We’re two-thirds through the growing season and have already grown, harvested, and donated over 18,000 pounds of vegetables—translating to over 72,000 servings for those in need. Since our start in 2019, we've donated over 122,000 pounds of vegetables and 77,000 eggs.

A major highlight this year has been expanding Zeke Guzman’s Jardín del Pueblo, supported by Farm to Fight Hunger and located on Hendricks Street in Healdsburg. The garden has already donated around 20,000 pounds (or 80,000 servings) of vegetables, including tomatoes and peppers, to the Healdsburg Food Pantry, Redwood Empire Food Bank, Alliance Medical Center, and other local distribution points. We also gained access to new land donated by Oliver Max, allowing us to farm even more. Meanwhile, our greenhouse has produced 11,000 plant starts this spring for both our farm and several community projects.

Can you share how Healdsburg Forever’s grant has supported your ability to manage the working farm and community gardens? What impact has this support had on your day-to-day operations and overall capacity to serve the community?

Healdsburg Forever’s grant has been essential in keeping our operations running smoothly. We’ve used the funds for payroll for our two staff members and purchasing farming supplies like seeds, irrigation equipment, and chicken feed. This support has allowed us to focus on growing food to donate without the constant worry of resource limitations. It’s helped us manage operations efficiently, enabling us to donate large amounts of fresh produce and eggs to the community. We’re grateful for the flexibility the grant provides—it maximizes our impact.

What are some of the key challenges you’ve faced this year? How are you navigating these challenges, especially in light of the ever-changing climate?

Climate change has been a challenge with unpredictable weather and rising temperatures. We’ve adapted by focusing on heartier crops that can withstand fluctuating conditions. The greenhouse helps us get a head start on the growing season and keep production going year-round, crucial for donating during slower months.

Funding is another challenge, particularly for general operating expenses. Many grants focus on specific programs, but we need to stay efficient and continue growing food to donate. Securing funding for staff and supplies is tough, but we’re committed to our mission.

Looking forward, what are some of the goals or upcoming projects you’re excited about for Farm to Fight Hunger?

We’re excited about expanding our operations in 2025, especially on the new land from Oliver Max. We hope to secure funding for a second full-time staff member, allowing us to grow even more food and increase donations. Our annual Barn Party fundraiser on September 28 will help fund this expansion. Our long-term goal is to continue growing our farm, increasing donations, and strengthening community connections. Healdsburg Forever’s support has been at the core of our growth, and we look forward to what we can achieve together in the future.

Farm to Fight Hunger continues to make a significant impact in the community, driven by their dedication to growing fresh, nutritious food for those in need. With exciting plans for the future and strong community support, the organization is poised to further enhance its contributions in the fight against food insecurity.


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